Getting Organized

One of the things I’m really struggling with this week is getting organized. There seems to be so much to get done and yet there doesn’t seem to be anything done. I’d promised myself the use of a jar to track my activities during the day, hoping that it would motivate me to work harder….

Cheating on my Reading List

I’m looking at my reading list right now, wondering if it is going to leave me or demand that it be taken off my website. Sincerely, I wouldn’t blame it. I have strayed so far from my goal of reading a particular kind of literature, that now I find myself in the bushes and trees…

Rule #1

I have a difficult relationship with rules. If the danger (and it has to be danger) is not explained in a way that makes sense, my brain gives instructions to my body to break those rules. If the danger is explained, but is just unconvincing, the same thing happens. Someone told me recently that it…

Strength to leave

I read a blog post. Someone was writing a letter to a public figure (singer of mild fame) whose boyfriend, and father of her daughter, died in her arms after he had been shot. He, a football star, had married a woman he had been in a relationship with for 7 years. In the 8th…